MPLAY can playback moviefiles such as QuickTime-movies and AVI-movies*, as well as standard VideoCD's.
In the preferences you can set up how MPLAY will playback your movies.
If 'Show movies in fullscreen' is checked MPLAY will present your movies in fullscreen.
Note: the fullscreen fades has been removed for OS X compliance. This feature will return in future versions.
To access the Step- and Fastmotion Playback mode (not available in fullscreen mode) you first press the Pause button. Then you press the Play-button. A short click will advance the movie in steps, clicking and holding will play the movie in fastmotion. For reverse playback, keep the Shift key pressed while clicking the Play button.
During movie playback in fullscreen-mode you can bring up an additional moviecontrol slider (since the MPLAY window is hidden). This is done by simply clicking anywhere on the screen. You hide the slider by clicking again anywhere on the screen (except on the slider). The Tab key may also be used to show and hide the moviecontrol slider.
The key-commands for playback control works in the Movie Fullscreen mode. Press space for Pause, Return to stop playback, left and right arrow for skipping, etc (se section 11. Key-commands for a complete reference).
MPLAY can scan your CD-ROM for valid VideoCD's and add all MPEG-tracks from the VCD to the playlist (Cmd+A). This requires that the VideoCD is WhiteBook-compliant (ISO-11172).
* Since many AVi-movies are made on the PC platform, all video codecs (i.e. 'DivX') are NOT supported by QuickTime. This is not my fault. There is, however, third-party extensions to QuickTime that enables DivX playback. Search the web.